Creamy Buldak Ramen

Creamy Buldak Ramen


The Lowdown:

Spice up your noodle game under 10 minutes with the Creamy Buldak Carbonara!🔥

Layering the Buldak sauce with an egg yolk and a dollop of Kewpie mayo - mixed together, this quick meal is as fun to make as it is to eat! ✌🏻

Serve it at the table, and let the oohs and ahhs commence. Save this easy recipe and tag a friend who loves spicy buldak! 🍜


1 packet samyang buldak carbonara ramen
1 egg yolk
2 tbsp water
1 tbsp kewpie mayo 

Garnish (optional)
Sesame seeds
Spring onion



  1. Mix mayo, spicy sauce and egg yolk together
  2. Add water and cheese powder to the mix

  3. Stir well with boiled noodles
  4. Microwave for about 1 minute
  5. Garnish, serve and enjoy!

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