Express Spicy Miso Ramen with Dumplings

Express Spicy Miso Ramen with Dumplings

The Lowdown:

Quick noodle dishes are one of our favourite things to make. They're great for busy days where you want to have a hearty home-cooked meal but don't necessarily have the time to be stir frying dishes and running the rice cooker.

If you love noodles and quick recipes like we do, you'll have to try our Express Spicy Miso Ramen with Dumplings. Umami miso soup with fragrant chilli sesame oil, and readily accessible dumplings from the freezer - it's a comfort dish that goes from prep to table in 15 mins. You could even top it off with a ramen egg from the convenience store to elevate your bowl of ramen to the next level.

Notes: Make your ramen the way you like it! Change up the type of dumpling, or add pork shabu slices or some minced pork (all things that cook really quickly and don't require additional time to marinate - less time spent cooking, more time spent enjoying!)



(Serves one)

400ml water

1 tsp dashi powder

2 tbsp white miso paste

Dried ramen noodles enough for one

Frozen pork & vegetable gyoza dumplings

1 tbsp S&P La Yu togarashi chilli oil

A handful of chopped spring onions



  1. Bring the water to boil and add in the dashi power and miso paste. (Bonus tip: Take some of that boiled water in a small bowl and mix the miso paste in before pouring back into the pot. This will help you achieve a soup with a smoother consistency and less clumps).
  2. Add the dried ramen noodles as well as the frozen dumplings into the soup.
  3. Pour in the chilli oil (feel free to add more if you'd like it even spicier).
  4. Once your noodles and dumplings are cooked, top off with some chopped spring onions as well as another drizzle of chilli oil if you'd like.
  5. Grab a pair of chopsticks and slurp it up straight out of the pot!

Share your cooks with us!

Everyone cooks according to their own style and preferred taste. We'd love to see how yours turned out! Tag us on Instagram or Facebook using #goodmaison and #GMcooks so we can share the joy of cooking in our community!

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