Feta Cheese Chili Oil Eggs

Feta Cheese Chili Oil Eggs

The Lowdown: 

Chilli oil feta cheese eggs are simple way to change up your breakfast 🌶️ 🍳 You can’t go wrong with eggs, chilli oil and avocado but that feta at the bottom melts and forms a nice salty crust 👌🏻


Serves one to two

2 eggs
Handful of cherry tomatoes
Feta cheese, as desired
Chili oil
Avocado, sliced 



  1. Sauté cherry tomatoes with a drizzle of olive oil till they're soft
  2. Add feta cheese to pan.

  3. Once they're slightly browned, add 2 eggs
  4. Add chili oil and more feta cheese. Cook eggs to desired doneness for the yolk (We like them slightly runny!)
  5. Serve with avocado and your favourite slice of toasted bread. Enjoy!


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